How I Became A Boston Red Sox Fan

I am a native New Yorker, born to an immigrant from Nuremberg, Germany who became  a Yankee fan when he recognized the German name “Gehrig” in the newspaper in 1937.  I grew up a Yankee fan living three blocks away from Marine Air Terminal.  Back in the early 1960s, it was used for general aviation.

Why We Are Considering Home Schooling

Yesterday, Ruth Ann and I met with out daughter Erin’s school assistant principal to discuss serious concerns we have with what has been going on during the recently completed school year.  As Amistad is a dual language school, Erin has been studying both English and Spanish and up until this year her English and Spanish

After the Storm

One day after “Frankenstorm” as the tabloids have dubbed Post Tropical Cyclone (PTC) Sandy, I am one of the fortunate again.  In 1989, I was living in Monterey, CA when the big earthquake hit and all we suffered was a power outage.  This time the worst that happened here was the local subway station flooding